Ellen EastwoodI’ll Always Remember This Unexpected Gift From a StrangerNot every gift comes wrapped with a bowApr 11, 202349Apr 11, 202349
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodIn My Difficult Relationship With My Mother, I Have One RegretThe moment I wish I was there for herMay 19, 202381May 19, 202381
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodDemisexual: Why I Didn’t Know My Sexual Orientation Until My 40sLife in the grayJun 1, 2023195Jun 1, 2023195
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodThe Moment I Jumped Out of a Perfectly Good PlaneQuestioning my sanity at 10,000 feetAug 1, 202364Aug 1, 202364
InModern WomenbyEllen EastwoodThe Question That Makes It Easier For This People Pleaser to Express My NeedsTurning frustration into resolutionAug 8, 202357Aug 8, 202357
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodA Surprise Exchange Made Me Wonder if Angels Are RealDid someone send me a not-so-subtle message?Sep 20, 202388Sep 20, 202388
InThe Wind PhonebyEllen EastwoodSaying Goodbye to the Person Who Loved Me MostThere’s beauty in being a witnessSep 25, 202364Sep 25, 202364
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodI Had No Idea What Support Looked Like Until He Insisted On Showing MeHelp felt like a punishmentSep 30, 202389Sep 30, 202389
InGlobetrottersbyEllen EastwoodMy Favorite Travel Souvenir Costs Nothing But a Little DignityA small price to pay for such beautiful memoriesOct 9, 202388Oct 9, 202388
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodThe Moment My Mother Perfectly Summarized Our Difficult RelationshipAll my childhood memories, discardedOct 17, 202363Oct 17, 202363
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodStaying Too Long: I’m Always Wrestling With My Biggest RegretLoyalty isn’t all it’s cracked up to beNov 7, 202362Nov 7, 202362
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodComing Back to My Pre-Pandemic Self Was Much Harder Than I ImaginedI gave myself a big challenge in 2023Nov 13, 202375Nov 13, 202375
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodVolunteering at a Food Bank Taught Me the Best Foods To DonateNot all food bank donations are created equalNov 21, 202373Nov 21, 202373
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodA Lot of Drama Can Happen in a Focus GroupThose little rooms could get out of controlMar 14, 202469Mar 14, 202469
InTravel MemoirsbyEllen EastwoodSeville Is a Lot More Than Oranges and ArchitectureOf all the places I’ve traveled, this is where I would liveFeb 10, 202452Feb 10, 202452
InTravel MemoirsbyEllen EastwoodHow I Got Brave Enough to Travel SoloThe agenda that allows me to enjoy the sights on my ownFeb 22, 202483Feb 22, 202483
InBlack BearbyEllen EastwoodWhat It’s Like When My Triggered Self Takes OverThe past has an inconvenient way of demanding my attentionFeb 28, 202482Feb 28, 202482
InThe Penny PubbyEllen EastwoodHow I Learned About the ‘Magic Sauce’ of WritingWhen in doubt, mention yaksMar 8, 202473Mar 8, 202473
InThe Narrative ArcbyEllen EastwoodAn Ode to My Older Sister Who Raised MeA caregiver far too youngMar 21, 202462Mar 21, 202462
InBlack BearbyEllen EastwoodI’m Losing My Friend to Alcohol and There’s Nothing I Can DoThe devastating helplessness of a loved oneApr 3, 202472Apr 3, 202472